
Sunday, June 30, 2002

We Need a 24-hour World...

I bet there's PLENTY of people out there that can't sleep at night either! Enough to run your daily activities and businesses all throughout the night. The world should never sleep! ;)

Maybe I oughtta move to NYC... ;)

Until I find the perfect solution to my problem, I'll have to suffer living my days... during the day... and getting hardly a wink of sleep... during the night :( *SIGH* As I have spent the past 20 years of my life :( ;)

Speaking of nights! and NYC...


lol my new comedy show on comedy central.... Technically Sunday Morning :p

What did I do, this Saturday night, you ask!? Well, pretty much the same thing Kim did. I was alone. For those of you who are brilliance-impaired out there... :p this is why Kim and I Blog together :p We're not alone :)

Tonight! I went to the late showings at the movies, like any other insomniac film fanatic (and no, not the ones who drooled over Christopher Nolan’s latest flick lol). I went to see the 10:40pm show of Disney's Lilo & Stitch :) and the 12:15am show of Undercover Brother, or should I say... Undehcovah Brothah! heehee :)

Disney's Lilo & Stitch: Wonderful movie! It's a cute tale of comic antics, cartoony animation, and upbeat beautiful music :) Elvis, The King, takes the stage's spotlight on most of the soundtrack, as his songs are beautifully re-mastered by the talented Alan Silvestri. Very fun! Very cheery! The movie has a wonderful heart, a big-enough funny bone, and a tendency to leave you exiting the theater thinking: "That was goooood!" ;)

Undercover Brother: It's a cool movie with a cool cast. The over-dramatically played theme of racism and bigotry can be a little cheesy and tiresome, but all in all, you can laugh. I wouldn't say this was a good movie, except for THREE things... #1 Dave Chappelle... #2 "You mess with the 'fro, you got ta go!"... #3 Dave Chappelle!!!!!! :)

And so now I am home, writing up the Blog post and getting ready to read a little something, before I go to sleep in a few hours... Tomorrow night (tonight, Sunday night) my neighbor and I will continue our James Bond marathon (we're huge fans) that will lead up to our inevitable visit to the movie theaters in November! :D

For now... much luv... take care of the Neverbugs (little ones)... red-haired girls should be banned from any type of student classroom (lol :p )... a "wassup" to the uuloopiuyus out there... and movies rock!!!!!!!

Sleep kind...
Dream of cuteness...


.......Now ...*ponders* ..... if only I could get this Bond theme outta my head.... ;)


Friday, June 28, 2002

Secret! Aaaayygent man!

Hi Kiiiiiiiiiimmmmm!!!!!!!! :)

Hee hee! :)

How come you're all alone!? You don't chat with the Jerm-ball? or RachieRach??? Wattup wit dat?! :(

The reason why I haven't been online during the day anymore is a funny one... I'm nocturnal :)

I thought I was an insomniac... couldn't sleep.... But I can't sleep AT NIGHT! ;) During the day I sleep just fine LOL So, if I were somewhere in Japan or Australia or whatever... I would sleep my nights soundly! So, I'm not an insomniac per se; just my sleeping schedule is screwed up...... (Made In Japan) ;)

So lately...... I sleep all day and watch Bond movies all night :)


Thursday, June 27, 2002

So you actually ARE ...

at that place...

between sleep and dreams ;)

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

*Parachutes into the Blog!*

Here I am! :)

S'good ta be da Roob! :p ;)

LOL I don't 'oogle' at women, whaddaya talkin' about?! LOL *ponders*

'Ey! You dere! Yeah you! Uhhh, so tell me! Whaddaya dose books ya readin'... Yeh, what is dey about?

(That was my impersonation of a mafia dude interested in what Kim's reading tendencies are...)

Do you have any reading rituals? I was once told I move my lips when I read... It makes sense :) I'm always doing the voices! ;) I do the voices inside my head, and the soundtrack too (of course ;) ). And I read at the velocity of the story. If the dude is running from a flaming plane, I read that part fast... If the gal is walking down an eerie hallway, I read that part slow... :)

Kim :( I'm sorry I wasn't online to chat with you last night :( I shall try my best to be present when my presence will be appreciated :) And I don't oogle! LOL I admire... which (most likely) is a different thing... ;) Heheh :)

*Wonders how to make as cool an exit as the entrance...*

*Finds a trampoline...* ;)


Tuesday, June 25, 2002

I'm Sure I'm Not Alone

I don't find myself taking mental pictures of anything... But you know what, Kim? :) I play soundtrack to my life, everywhere I go, everything I do. :)

It's probably because I've been in a composing mood lately... ;)

Sometimes I'll be only walking, but I'd pick up the pace as I quicken the rhythm of my music! LOL Or if I see something romantic (like a couple sharing wine) I'll accompany it with a sweet tune... Or something exciting (like a cop racing his horse) with some action music!

Some people talk to themselves while they go about their day... I play music :)

Did you ever see that Disney movie about some emperor dude and his new groove? ... You know, where that evil cohort is trying to be secretive and suspenseful LOL and he hums a soundtrack along with his actions? LOL

That's me. Except it's all in my head. I don't hum anything :) ...But I've been known to not hear people that attempt to speak to me while/because there are trumpets blaring in my head! :) ;)


Friday, June 21, 2002

We'll get there someday :)

Play and learn! *grin*

Life on the island? ... Beachy ;)

I'm sure my weekend will be very interesting (yeah, right) so I'll have many anecdotes to share on this thing. LOL I actually thought: "Damn! I gotta get a life.... so I can have something to post on the Blog!" ;) Maybe I will visit the exterior world, where the sun shines and the birds fly... excempting caged ones, and skylights...

I did go out today as a matter of fact :) I went to Plaza Del Sol, which is a mall. Most malls here start with "Plaza". And "Sol" of course, is "sun". Well, what'dya expect? ;) If I lived in Peru, maybe it'd be Plaze Del Llama, or in Colombia maybe, Plaza Del Blow :o ;) But yes, it is in the fine Caribbean that I live, and when we Boricuas are not boasting about our oceans, our rum, or our Rickys... we commercialize the sun! :)

Puerto Rico is great this time of year; hitting the big 90s (farenheit) during the day, and keeping cool (80's) at night. BUT I'm feeling a hint of overheating... maybe 'cause I was away in the States not more than one year ago... We are approaching hurricane season; and no! that is not when we go out with shotguns and hunt malevolent waterstorms... That only means that a big scare is coming, and if we're not washed away from the face of the Earth, we will surely lose a lot of Digital Cable satellites...

However, I went to the mall today! And THAT'S what I'll talk about ;) I was only there to buy a toothbrush. Well, really I wanted some time out, maybe see a friend or two. BUT I didn't forget to stop in Wal-Mart (yes, we have those here, next to LoinCloths R' Us *rolleyes* ;) :P ) and get a toothbrush. It's green.

So, I'm walking in the mall... and I decide to study kids. I was studying couples, but that made me gag after a while; I like being single and I don't wish to watch people commit heresy against my bachelor religion for too long ;) And besides! There was a cute kid eating ice cream, sitting all by himself, that earned better my attention. The boy kinda looked like me, except he didn't have a month's growth of beard, but hey! he's not 20! And so I studied him a bit. Not much to learn. The boy was waiting for his mother to finish browsing a ridiculous-looking dress (that I'm sure the boy wished she wouldn't buy, or at least go out with him while ever wearing it) and he seemed to be enjoying what he ate. Vanilla with sprinkles, it seemed. Suddenly I became aware that there were a lot of kids in the mall today. Playful kids and quiet kids. Big kids, little kids. Good kids, bad kids. You know the bad; the ones that run past you by themselves, then later followed by an out of breath parent yelling "Stop right now!" surely for the umpteenth time. And the good; the ones that don't make the parents carry any merchandise, and take the toys up to the register themselves. And it hit me why there were so many kids! I was standing next to a K-B Toys. Yes, we have those here. I stopped studying children when I realized that a pair of little girls were just too cute trying to replace their little brother in his stroller... with a large teddy bear.

That made me want to be a kid again. Worse. It made me think about fatherhood... And so, trying to get that subject out of my head, I did what any other single young man would do at my age. I studied women's breast-sizes instead.

In conclusion: I had some nice introspective thoughts, I got a topic to talk about on the Blog, I got a little sun for my skin, I got to look at women's boobs, and I got a green toothbrush. Maybe tomorrow I'll go to the mall again... I need some new socks...

Whaddaya think, Kim? ;) Should I get some SuperFriends socks? :)

Hmm... I seem to be in slumber...

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