
Saturday, August 24, 2002


That's great, Kim! :) And don't worry, the more you post your dreams, the more you will remember them, and the more lucid they will become! :)

The trick is to write them down, when you remember them. ANY dream you remember, write it down! Anywhere! Doesn't have to be on this Blog. Napkins, notebooks, hands, all help. ;) Because your brain will automatically know that you are interested in remembering your dreams, for a future write-up in the mornings ;)

Ever set your alarm clock for 5am, and wake up at 4:57 all on your own? It's because your mind knew that it wanted to wake up at that time, and it counted. Believe it or not, we've all gone through SO MANY 24-hour days, that our brain pretty much knows how long from one moment to the other moment, by counting silently. An internal clock. It's not always precise, but sometimes you can turn around and say, it's been awhile since I've been in this room. I bet it's 3 o'clock! And it turns out to be 3:17pm. It's because your brain was counting!

Ok so it works the same with lucidity (the ability to see your dreams clearly, have knowledge that you are dreaming, and remember the dreams when you wake up). After a while of documenting your dreams, your brain knows that you intend to remember them in the morning. So they start to become clearer (or your conscious brain starts to pay more attention to them, and that's why they're clearer), so much so that you can figure out that you are dreaming and even control the dream. And of course, you'll remember it in the morning.

I think it's because your brain is more 'awake' during the night. If you gotta wake up at 5 o'clock, some of your brain needs to stay up to count the seconds and wake you up when it thinks however many hours have passed. If you gotta remember a dream, some of your brain needs to stay up (the memory glands) to record what you see.

Which is why this won't work well when you're in a deep sleep! Most of your brain is asleep! So you don't wake up until the alarm rings, and sometimes even sleep past the buzzer's noise. And you feel like you didn't dream anything; which is in fact that you just didn't remember at all.

So, anyway, Kim... if you don't wanna give up (you don't have to!), and wanna keep posting those awesome dreams of yours in our Blog, just don't let them skip you by :) You remember one, you jot it down! And soon your brain will do the work for you :) "Oh, this is a good one, and Kimmers will wanna remember it in the morning! Better stash it here, somewhere in the memory cells!" ;)


Thursday, August 22, 2002


(The new quote, underneath the title and page summary, is from a song written by Troy Verges and Brett James -and sung by Paulina Rubio-, and it means... "I dream that you dream of me in [techni]color!")

Greetings from Puerto Freaking Rico

I'm glad you liked the earth particles! :) And I'm very glad they made you smile :)

Juanes! Juanes rules dude LOL I'm listening to his album every night! LOL And I sing on my way to class! LOL Soon, I'll burst into song IN class! LOL That's a lot of laughing... well, I find it funny :) And Kim, you want a translation... well, you can't translate poetry :( It will lose its splendor, trust me. BUT go ahead and look it up :P

Movies! Dammit I keep forgetting to talk about the movies I see, on here! :( I, too, have seen Goldmember. As also, XXX. And both were great!

Goldmember -> was definitely hilarious, Kim is correct. And Kim also hits the spot when she mentions the predecessors are better. Definitely needs to be seen, though... And definitely needs to have a sequel! :)

XXX -> is a full-blown blast party filled with great music, great stunts, great action, and great characters! Samuel L. Jackson is exquisite as always, and Vin Diesel (who plays Xander 'XXX' Cage) hasn't played such a kick-ass character since Riddick (in Pitch Black). The girl (Yelena, played by Asia Argento) was hot, and that's definitely a plus... 'cause Diesel is a hot guy LOL The movie is witty (mostly thanks to X) and it definitely packs an intriguing super-spy thriller punch! This one not only needs a sequel... it needs 20 sequels. I'm a big fan of Agent 007, but make way for XXX!!!!!!

My life has been exceedingly busy this past week. My schedule (although not very time-consuming) is not filled with many interesting things I'd like to be doing during my day. Mainly, I'm not too thrilled about my classes. LOL Good news, though!!! I managed to fit in Theater in my schedule! Woohoo! So I get to be an actor again! I was just on stage tonight, and boy had I missed it. It feels great to be back, and I love the atmosphere of the uni's theater group (the director, and the actors are awesome) and I can't wait to spend an entire season of theater with them! :) There's a play somewhere on the not-so-distant horizon. I'll keep you posted. :)

Another good thing that has creeped its way into my daily life is... well... a girl. Enough said. Well, not enough said, 'cause you probably wanna know more... Well, she's really cool. And we're both looking forward to hanging out with each other :) Nope! She's not a redhead. In fact, I haven't seen the little redhaired girl anywhere on campus this semester! LOL I wonder if she got married and lives in Tahiti with the sole purpose in life to bear little wittle green-eyed babies for some muscular dude that owns a Mustang and works in Foot Locker...

Ah what do I care?!? LOL I got my little sophomore gal to hang out with... And she, I actually speak to!!! LOL :) Oh, and she will remain nameless here (for now) for superstitious purposes LOL :P

Kim, reading does indeed rule! What's your favorite book?

I love Tad Williams' "Otherland" (comprised of 4 volumes), but my all-time favorite HAS to be the one I fell in love with as a kid :) ... Louis Sachar's "Someday Angeline" :)


Sunday, August 18, 2002



Cada vez que yo me voy llevo a un lado de
mi piel
Tus fotografías para verlas cada vez
Que tu ausencia me devora entero el
Y yo no tengo remedio más que amarte

Y en la distancia te puedo ver
Cuando tus fotos me siento a ver
Y en las estrellas tus ojos ver
Cuando tus fotos me siento a ver

Cada vez que te busco te vas
Y cada vez que te llamo no estás
Es por eso que debo decir que tú sólo en
mis fotos estás

Cuando hay un abismo desnudo
Que se opone entre los dos
Yo me valgo del recuerdo
Taciturno de tu voz

Y de nuevo siento enfermo este corazón
Que no le queda remedio más que amarte

Cada vez que te busco te vas
Y cada vez que te llamo no estás
Es por eso que debo decir que tú sólo en
mis fotos estás

© 2002, Juanes

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Exactly my point! :) Thanks Kim :)

You know what's funny? You've seen the ocean only twice in your life, and feel incomplete, need to see it again. I've seen snow only twice in my life! :) And I feel I need to see it again! :) You, because you didn't get to swim much. Me, because I've never seen it falling. :)

Oh, and I don't think I've ever seen a cornfield :p

Friday, August 16, 2002

Maybe you're right. I don't go to the beach as much as I should. But then, how often do you run through a cornfield?

Sad, that we ALL have natural beauty somewhere near us... but our material lives deny us the time to enjoy such beauties. :(

People here always say, "We have been blessed with a tropical island, with many wonders, and we hardly even visit our OWN tourist attractions!"

I always say to that, "There're many tourist attractions in the REST of the world for US to see!"

Yeah, see your cornfields and your beaches, but once you've seen them more than twice... it's time to move on; see OTHER things.

I take my beaches for granted because they ARE granted! It's The Great Wall of China, The River Nile, The Andes Mountains, The Grand Canyon, The Venice Street-Canals, that AREN'T! Those are the places I need to take the time to see! :) Not these beaches I grew up around :)

So, Kim, someday... I'm gonna have to go over there and see your cornfields... :)


Tuesday, August 13, 2002

That dream…

I was walking down the streets of an old town… cobblestoned road, thatch-roofed homes… on the edge of land. I could hear the beach to my right. The waves crashed nearby, and sometimes I could see the black ocean in between the houses. It was night. But the moon shone so brightly, I could see well in the night.

Sometimes, as I caught glimpses of the beach, I could see people in the water (women, actually) splashing about. Then, I heard a scream. “THEY’RE COMING! THEY’RE COMING! SEEK SHELTER! SEEK SHELTER! THEY’RE COMING!”

And the creatures of the ocean turned into water-whirlwinds that sped towards shore. I could hear doors slamming shut, and see lights burning out. Soon, the beach was empty, and the streets were packed with octopi-women. The top halves their bodies were human, but below the waist, they had slimy tentacles!

Obviously, that freaked me out (if not downright scared me!), so I ran! One of the girly multipeds gave chase. She had long blonde hair (all messy); and like the other octopi-women, some of it flowed down her front to cover her nakedness. Her octopus body was a slimy dark green. Her eyes were green too; and she wore a grin like lady death herself!

I managed to climb up the side of one of the houses; hoping that an open window might welcome me to safety, and I found that the slanted roof of this house was also green. It was plastic and wavy, and there was no good place for a hold or footing. But I could see the second story protruding up ahead… and a window was open! I was determined to make it; even slithering on my belly, up this slippery plastic roof! Besides, it seemed the monster-chick hadn’t climbed to follow :)

Finally, after many slides down, I reached the windowsill… and clambered over it, falling into the house. Good news and bad news. The bad news: the chick was in there. She had gone in through the front door and climbed the stairs LOL The good news: she wasn’t a monster anymore. In fact, the pair of human legs she now had were very smooth and gleaming. She was still naked; and note that her hair was not long enough to go below her navel…

She was very sad, and explained (with every step she took closer to me) that her people had always been despised, and everybody was afraid of them. When in fact, they were not dangerous at all. “The girls and I just wanna play!”, she said. This, in a very flirtatious manner LOL

She also added that she thought the humans were afraid because they were ugly, and so she decided to take human form as to not frighten me. “I’m not ugly now, am I?”, she asked me… her face inches from my face. Nah, I wasn’t scared.

She kissed me -and surprisingly enough- the room I had stumbled into just happened to be… a bedroom! We made love countless times with the sound of the ocean’s waves crashing nearby. Another sound that filled the night… were screams! All over town, these monsters must be breaking into the houses, I thought! I got a little scared, but the girl comforted me. Told me there was nothing to worry about. And I soon realized that it wasn’t screams that I was hearing. Instead, pleasure and moaning was heard all over town that night.

It continues…

Soon, daylight filled the room. The first thing I thought was, was she still there? She was. Then, was she still human!? GASP!! Heheh ;) She was. :)

I lay beside her for a moment, looking over her shoulder to try to make out her face… but it kept changing. Always blonde hair, green eyes… But always changing.

When she woke up, she asked me, “What the hell is that!??!?”

My heart pounded as I turned to look behind me! But all I saw was a big-screen TV (that hadn’t been there the night before LOL). But it wasn’t the TV that had grabbed her attention, it was what was showing on the screen. It wasn’t exactly a porn movie LOL but there it was. Two naked bodies rubbing against each other, half-tangled in bedsheets. At the corner of the screen, the word “REC” flashed over and over!

It wasn’t us. First of all, we were being good at that specific moment LOL Second, there was no video camera in our room, that we could see. Third, the girl in the TV had red hair.

Then, it all becomes clear to me! I truly did not understand a thing! Not at the moment anyway… But I felt I knew where the camera was, and why that picture was showing on the TV! “Shit!”, I exclaimed, and I flew out of bed and out of the house (without getting dressed).

Funny thing is, I left the house the same way I had come in; through the window. I knew I had to go to my brother’s house, which for some reason was a certainty that it was located nearby, in this shoreline town. (My brother lives nowhere near a shore. LOL)

I start hopping (naked) from rooftop to rooftop, until I reach a yellow house. And I sneak in through the window. Sure enough, there’s a couple on the bed, having sex (pretty loudly LOL). I look around, and I’m stumped because I couldn’t see a camera anywhere. Then, the girl pokes her head out from under the covers (a brunette head!) and demands to know what I’m doing there! She knows me by name, but I couldn’t recognize her. I asked her what she was doing in my brother’s room, and she tells me that my brother lives NEXT DOOR!

I look out the window, and sure enough, I see an identical yellow house. So, I apologize and I jump out of the window and fall through its twin open window. Once in the right house, the right room, I see the video camera standing on a tripod, pointing to the bed… where another couple is having sex. I tiptoe as quiet as I can manage, towards the camera… and I switch it off!

Too late… :( My brother hops out of bed, holding the bedsheets up to maintain his modesty (apparently regardless that I’m nude myself! LOL), and he asks me what I think I’m doing there. I don’t like his attitude, so I’m like “Okay sure, I’ll just turn this back on and let the entire neighborhood watch you on the public channel!”. As I go to turn the camera back on (and I catch a glimpse of the redhead I can't recognize, poking out of the covers), my brother jumps in front of me, and apologizes.

Suddenly, we’re startled by a female voice from the window! The naked brunette greets her redhead friend, and asks how my blonde is doing… “Fine…”, I reply dumbfounded.

“Oooh! You got a camera!!”, she squeals with delight, “Can we borrow it?”. She gestures to the other yellow house. My brother shrugs and tosses the camera to the brunette, who disappears back to her room in a flash. A satisfied grin on her face.

My brother looks at me, and I shrug. We laugh. I wish him a good day… ‘cause I gotta go, ‘cause I got an octopi-woman waiting for me back in the other house ;) LOL

And so, I hop from rooftop to rooftop back to my blonde… who comes out of the bathroom with aqua BLUE hair! She asks if I like it, and I kinda do… She explains that she didn’t dye it. She had simply washed out the blonde, and now wore her natural color. She did look kinda cute like that. LOL

The rest of the dream is hazy… I think that was the end of it really. But according to my mood in that dream… if something else DID happen… I’m sure we shagged some more LOL :p


Friday, August 09, 2002


Whoa Kim... and I thought I had creepy, freaky dreams... :(

That is one f*cked up dream there, Kimmers! Scary stuff. You sure you're not reading any Anne Rice LOL , or watching any Sofia Coppola? LOL

As for my dreams... weeeellllll ..... eherm! For the first time, since I've been documenting my dreams on here, I've had an extremly sexual dream. *gasp* Sure, I've had the occasional kissy-kissy strokey-strokey dream, but never something good enough to document.

But NOW heheheheheh

I'm too tired to type it out right now LOL Don't worry about me forgetting the dream, I've already written it down (on a sheet of paper). I just have to type it on here. And well, I'm tired... And well, I kinda like makin' you wait :) bwahahahahahahaha


Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Great convo! Thanx Kim! :) Heheh


I am SOOOO tired! Mainly because I don't sleep well anymore. I sleep a few hours after coming home from work, get NO rest at night, then go to work again in the morning! :(

And also, lately, everything I eat makes me nauseous! :( Or is it "nauseated"? You decide! LOL

I can't sleep, I can't eat...

Things are not good :( Someone send me 'goodiness' :(


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