
Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Before you die... you MUST see The Ring!

The Ring => is a very well-put-together film. Its creepy (and beautiful) images and eerie sounds help bring to excellence a wonderful idea/concept; making it a movie that will thrill you and stand your hairs on end! The plot is intriguing, although it allows you to guess what's going on (and what's going to happen) a very short time before the film itself explains things to you; and the ending is an added (unexpected) twist. Very freaky. It's a fun movie!

I'll most likely have nightmares tonight! :-o LOL ;)

...Which, of course... I'd post here in the morrow... ;) :)


Sunday, October 27, 2002

I went to the circus! (China Spectacular) :)

Kim, perhaps you didn't completely read my post :-p LOL The thing that was surprising about having had that bad dream was that I didn't go to bed angry! ('cause the Angels won Game 6)

BTW - I'm watching Game 7 now... very exciting! :-D

The circus was wonderful! Very spectacular! ;) I had a lot of fun with my friends :) *hugs to all!*

p.s. Actually Kim, our earlier conversation evaded my mind until just now that I read your post LOL :-p



How 'bout those Angels, eh!? ;) :D I hope they win tonight! :)

...Alas, I will miss the game, because I'm going to the circus. :)


I must have a lot of anger built up towards my parents. I was a little annoyed at them before I went to bed last night, but I guess I had that bottled up pretty good, and I guess they make me feel really angry, 'cause even after going to bed happy because the Angels won Game 6...

...I dreamt I was helping a criminal in a hold-up, by keeping both my parents at gunpoint...

Friday, October 25, 2002


LOL No! :) No influence :) But the island IS full of natural voodoo hoodoo substances!!! And they all have estrogen and red hair!!! :-P LOL ;)

I remember I had four dreams to post about, today... But since Blogger.crap was down :( I didn't get to post, and now I can only remember one of them... :(

I was in the Sound studio (at uni) recording with my Lab partner (as we really did, yesterday)... BUT I kept losing my voice, because I was thirsty for some water! I kept drinking from these neverending water bottles but I just couldn't find my voice and I couldn't stop being thirsty!

That's all I remembered from the dream. Maybe Kimmers has some good ones to share :-D


Thursday, October 24, 2002

The Priesthood

Last night I dreamt I had become a Catholic Priest, or at least joined an order. So, this guy (some unidentifiable priest) was teaching me the ropes. We were up at the altar of a church, and he was going through the ceremony of a funeral. We had a casket up there and everything, but it was empty. Still, he pretended there was a body in there. So he recited lectures and verses and sprinkled holy water on the empty casket, placed a purplish sash over it, etc. I don't remember any of the process really, and I'm not even sure I was paying attention to begin with... There was one funny thing, though. The simulacrum was so detailed, the priest even had a woman cry over the casket as he performed the ceremony...

Afterwards, there was a party. Supposedly, having sat through all that, I could be ordained as a priest. So I was ready. So we would celebrate. On the roof of the church, there was some sort of terrace, and there were a lot of people there, congratulating me and supporting me. None of them, I knew, of course. Not even family or friends were there. Even as I write this, I wonder if I dreamt someone else's dream last night! LOL I mean... a priest!?! LOL

But anyway, the dream ended when some kids led me to the highest part of the roof/terrace (where you could have a clear view of the entire party, but no one could see you) and they offered me some weed. Yep! They rolled a joint and asked the new priest if he wanted to get high! Well, I... took the joint... and took a drag... (Hey, don't look at me like that! It's legal in dreams! LOL ;) :p ) Needless to say, the old priest came up right then, and I was expelled from the order and the church. Interesting dream, but strange. At least, no one was trying to kill me...

Carbon-based Lifeforms

In this other dream, -no surprise here, eh?- someone was trying to kill me. :) Ok, I'm with some friends (from the theater group), in some kind of country house (probably out in the U.S. 'cause it was in a forest of firs LOL). Anyway, in this house, we realize one of us is missing. One of the girls. And then we hear her screaming outside, so we run out and check; and sure enough, she's being chased through the trees by some kind of 7-foot shaved Bigfoot Monster (well, he wasn't shaved... more like he had just walked through a fire and had some bald patches where his hair got burnt! LOL). The monster was wearing ripped farmer's clothes and was making no sense at all as he was trying to speak to his running and screaming victim.

For no reason at all, I know the dude is really a machine and that he's being controlled from inside the house. I run inside the house and quickly find a secret room where some scientists are sitting in front of computer screens, controlling the monster. The evil head scientist mocks my attempt to save the day, and in the process reveals his weakness; by saying that the machine is made of carbon and that there's no sulphur around to chemically defeat it...

Little did the both of us know... that there was sulphur in walnuts (in the dream LOL) and that there were nuts all over the forest. :) Luckily, a bright young theater student had figured this out. No idea how, since I had gone alone to the scientists' lair... But I didn't complain LOL The theater group was throwing walnuts at the monster and they were already defeating him.

I wanted to join in, help out... So I searched for walnuts. I found a really big one and picked it up. But that pissed off a squirrel... and it attacked me. I had to fight the squirrel to win the walnut, but apparently this squirrel had taken ninja lessons... So I woke up while the squirrel kicked my a$$ ;)


And that's what I dreamt last night :D


Wednesday, October 23, 2002


Hi Kim! :) Well, you know I have my down times :p Besides, I commented on your last Blog! :p

I would love to spend New Year's at your place! It sounds wonderful. Here, it will be very quiet... and I'll miss out on my nieces running and jumping around being kids... except of course for... Carlie Elena! (It turns out the new baby will have BOTH rumored names! LOL) She'll be tranquil in her crib, watching as her older sisters open her presents for her, the new house-hold queen! LOL My brother better! videotape it! :p

Oh hey Kimmies, I'm glad you're getting rid of junk in your life, and feeling happy. :) *h* How's that affecting your dreams? ;)

I hope we're getting a new reader sometime soon. I passed the word that our Blog exists LOL and gave out the addy, to a friend. We'll see if she stops by and checks us out! :)

...and Dreams

Which brings me to... Let's talk about our dreams. :)

I just had a strange realization the other night. Multi-level Parking Lots have a strong meaning in my life. Mentally, I am plagued by this enigma. I have no idea what it means: whether something important in my life will take place in a multi-level parking lot, or that I simply have an unknown repressed fear of them! BUT I keep dreaming of them!

Last dream I had, I was climbing (on foot) from level to level; and at each level, I'd consider jumping... suicide. I just kept on rising and rising, deciding that no level was high enough to kill me... I never jumped (the dream ended), but I guess I never stopped rising either. It's a little freaky considering that the higher the negativity in my life takes me... the higher the possibility that I'll reach that level where I can feel satisfied with the height... and jump!? :(

I've had other dreams where I get killed (or attacked) in a multi-level parking lot; where I can never find my car (I'm always on foot in these parking lot dreams); where I've played basketball in one of the levels; where I've hidden from an ensuing battle of war;where I've helped a little boy find what he was looking for (never told me what)... Many, many dreams! And almost always a different multi-level parking lot! And almost never one that I've seen in real life! One time, I was trying to get to a hospital, and the damn thing was bigger than the hospital building itself! Thus, I never got to the hospital.

Weird. I've been thinking of other things that are recurrent in my dreams. Perhaps I'll mention those sometime later, but the most intriguing one is that one... Da Roob's Creepy Multi-Level Parking Lots!!! *cue twilight zone theme music*

LOL ;) :p


Sunday, October 20, 2002


That is so wonderful Kimmers! :) Great dream! Thanks for sharing :)

See... it's sh*t like that, that makes you say, "Damn! What is UP with that!?!". And then you start to try to analyze your dreams, and analyzing the act of dreaming in general, and you get to these weird ideas that just end up making your life (and the way you view life) that much more interesting...

Or something like that...



I'm gonna go shopping somewheres with my mum tomorrow (today actually, it's 2am as I write this). I'm taking her gosh-knows where, and shopping for gosh-knows what. Then I'm going to go to a play version of Ray Bradbury's "Farenheit 451"; can't wait! :) AND I gotta call my brother :) I haven't talked to him in a long time lol and I don't even know which of the two rumored names they've chosen for my new upcoming niece! And I must get informed ;) lol heheh

On Monday! ... I shall... get to uni really early, jog around campus, play tennis with a friend... shower and change, go to class, come home... and mope about sucking at tennis and getting my butt whooped by a girl lol


I had a really weird dream lately too... but I forgot it... :( Something about me driving really badly (destroying and killing things) even though my life depended on it... I don't know... :(


If anyone gives a care: I'm into a cute little Tex-Mex singer now, called Jennifer Peña :) Her CD's awesome :)


Thursday, October 10, 2002


You know, I do feel that sleep and dreams help ease the mind and spirit. :) I don't know about having ever felt like something in my life has been resolved just for sleeping... but yeah, I guess I know what you mean. :) I've had that feeling of "Ahh! I feel so much greater!" after simply having had some sleep. :)

I dreamt of a friend of mine the other night. And now whenever I see her, I wish she knew the dream, or wish she had had the same dream, or wish that what happened hadn't been a dream but had been something real instead! 'Cause it's very difficult to have to tell her that I dreamt of her, much more what the dream was about! And it weighs a ton to have her near me and not tell her... :(

I think I have serious 'women problem' ! LOL

I have issues... LOL :p

"I just want to be held..." - anonymous


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