
Saturday, January 25, 2003

Hable Con Ella (Talk To Her) => was very entertaining. Pedro Almodóvar’s film had some good comedy and a superb message. Plus, Javier Cámara (who plays Benigno Martín) gave an extraordinary performance. It was funny. It was sweet. It was deep. It was neat. But I don’t even need to recommend this Spanish film; it won the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Picture! :)


Roob Dreams

The one with the multilingual soldier-lady:

I'm at home, minding my own business, when I suddenly hear explosions outside. Sure enough, when I look out my living room window, there's a war going on outside my house. LOL The sky is filled with fighter planes, and the road has a bunch of soldiers running around as well as tank transit. Yes, another war-apocalyptic dream... *sigh*

The following means no offense to U.S. Americans, Iraqis, Nazis, or French people... This is simply what I (innocently) saw in my weirdo dream ;)

My house was stormed by soldiers, wearing U.S. American uniforms, with the Nazi swastika on their arm; with beards, hair, and eyes looking like they were from the Middle East ...and all speaking (shouting orders) in French. They came in through the windows, waving their guns around and yelling. They forced me out of my house, pushing me to the street. I don’t know where my family was in all of this.

Out in the street, I saw more soldiers bustin’ into my neighbors’ houses. People being kicked out of their homes in their sleep clothes! Some were even trying to fight the soldiers. I looked away whenever I saw a scene like that… but my dream was full of gunfire, and I couldn’t turn away my ears…

I followed orders, and walked with a small battalion of soldiers towards a tank in the middle of the street. On top of the tank, sat a man that looked a lot like the President of Iraq, but even the soldiers that looked like they were from the Middle East were attacking him! It was very strange, because the soldiers that were around the tank, protecting it, were the same! EVERY soldier in the dream had the same look and uniform! There was no telling them apart; who was in which side!

On the way to the tank, I became a soldier! My clothes turned into the uniform, and I was suddenly carrying a gun! (a rifle) When we reached the tank (that was actively shooting at houses), the soldiers announced that they had a prisoner! “I’m a soldier!”, I protested, “I’m fighting this war! I’m not a civilian; I can’t be a prisoner!” So, the soldiers were ordered to march on into battle, and I was ordered to fight with them.

During the walk down my street (marching), I noticed that the soldier in front of me was female. I’m not sure if she had been there all along, but oh well LOL She had long jet-black hair, and was a bit shorter than me. When she turned to speak to me, I saw that she had deep dark eyes and an aging face (she was clearly middle-aged). She was very beautiful, and looked very authoritative. Her face was unknown to me, but I admired her.

She said to me, a lot of things in French; of which I could only understand, “Je t’aime”, “La morte”, and “guerre”…

When I tried to talk French, back to her, I ended up speaking unintelligible babble; although I think I was able to mimic her by repeating, “Je t’aime”.

Apparently, my French was good! LOL Because she accused me of being a fraud, “We DON’T speak French! You’re not really a soldier!!”

She had tricked me. And now I was caught.

Right then, everybody in the battalion stopped in their tracks; and it was while they were all looking at me with that twitchy feeling that they wanted to pull out their guns on me and shoot me, and my adrenaline was racing through my frozen body whilst I was dying to be able to move so I could run away from there as fast as I could… that my dream ended.


Friday, January 24, 2003

Roob Dreams

I've decided to personalize/title my dream posts, so as not to cause further confusion between mine and Kim's ;)

Also, simply for the sheer comedy of it, I will name each dream 'Friends episode' style ;)

I have a back-dream (from a few nights ago) saved in my Word documents in my files at uni, so I'll have to post that one late... but in the meantime, here's last night's weirdo dream ;)

The one with the kung-fu fighting waiters:

I'm at a plaza (it looks Venetian, but there's a Chinese Pagoda in the distance), with a friend, and we're just talking... When my friend suddenly darts off, running fast! I run after him, asking him why the heck he's runnin'! No answer... from him.

Behind us, I hear a chinese dude yelling, "You skip check! You come back! You don't pay... we beat you up!" (pardon the stereotype LOL but hey, that's how I dreamt it ;) )

I look back to see a bunch of chinese dudes dressed in tuxes (waiters) chasing us LOL No matter how hard we ran, we stayed in the same place, and the chinese dudes caught us. They surrounded us... and started doing some kung-fu air moves... "Who going pay? Which one?"

My friend tried to tell them that we weren't in charge of expenses. He told them the gray-haired man with glasses was in charge of expenses. "Go charge him!"

Everyone looked around, to find such gray-haired man (and I saw that now I was inside a Pagoda LOL)... and we found Jack Nicholson! LOL The kung-fu waiters went after him, and he denied the whole thing. "He say, he not man of expenses!", the head-waiter yelled at us. "Try him", I suggested, pointing at another gray-haired man with glasses. "Gene!", I called. And it was Gene Hackman. :) LOL He, too, denied it all.

Next, we tried Richard Dreyfuss LOL No luck. He wasn't our expenses guy. "Who going pay!?", the kung-fu waiters insisted.

"Look... We don't have any money", I explained, "We'll just have to work away the tab..."

"Ok!", the head-waiter agreed. And he told us to join the line of misfit employees (others who hadn't paid their tab LOL). And it was a line of shirtless, chained men! Being whipped like slaves by a couple of kung-fu waiters!

"Shit...", I thought. (LOL) But I took off my shirt anyway and joined the line. My friend hesitated, but ended up joining me in the line.

The whipping kung-fu waiters led the line up a flight of golden stairs. As we were climbing it, being smacked hard in the back by the whips, I called out angrily to the three actors we had previously encountered, "You sissies! If you were real men, you would help us pay our tab!" And I do believe a chinese dude called them "bitches" LOL

Anyway... it was climbing the golden stairs, with extreme sporadic pain in my back, that I last remember of myself in the dream.


Tuesday, January 21, 2003

I Dream Of Cuteness

Dream Of The Day:

My brother had come to the house to visit... and he brought his girls! :) While I was playing with Carra (the middle one, age 2), holding her and carrying her places, my mother kept warning me to be careful with her and not hurt her. I was very annoyed LOL When I set her down, my niece runs off into the bathroom. "See? I told you", said my mother, "You've scared her"

"Whatever, mom..."

The next thing I know, a small box comes bouncing out of the bathroom... I meet it at the hallway, and a slot in the front opens up... and my niece's smiling face is in there looking at me! I throw myself down at a crouch (down to box-size level) and Carra quickly shuts the slot, giggling. I crawl backwards a bit, away from the box. She opens the slot, then shuts it... and the box bounces 2 or 3 steps towards me. :)

I crawl again; backwards some more... and the slot re-opens. Carra laughs when she sees me, and she closes her little box-window again. Immediately, the box bounces towards me again. When it stops, I crawl back. The slot opens again, and my niece giggles some more before she hides again and bounces the box some more.

This time, I hurry on towards the box, so I'm right next to it. When she opens the slot, we're face to face, and my niece squeals with delight LOL I open up the box, but she hops out of it with incredible toddler speed and I don't get to hold her... but I give chase, and catch the runnin' gigglin' toddler-machine, and hold her up in my arms. I hug her tight... and wake up :(

Well, at least, if I can't be with them... I can play with my nieces in my dreams :)


Monday, January 20, 2003

Waking Up

Wow! Weird, it's like you woke up and you were still inside a bizarre dream! :)

About when you want to wake up but can't... That happens to me all the time. The worst part is, I try and try and try... and I still can't wake up! Oh I wake up countless times in the dream LOL but never really wake up. And I always fall for it! LOL I always think I've woken up LOL Every time! LOL But then something odd happens and I'm like, "Nope. Gotta wake up! Still gotta wake up..."


I'm sitting in the back of a family wagon... with a family I know nothing about... husband + wife... 4 girls (age 10-16)... 2 boys (age 4 & 9)... All-american blonde...

They're complete strangers. I dunno why I'm riding with them LOL... But the countryside was pretty! :)

Anyway, I'm at the window, right behind the 'dad' (driver)... and I've got this remote control; I'm flying a miniature aeroplane alongside the moving car. And all the kids in the car are interested in it, and watching it, and entertained by it. I fly loop-de-loops and turn-eagles, and they're all like "Wow!" and "Cool!" LOL :)

But then I see a real plane in the sky... and it's faltering... Coming down! It has to do an emergency landing on a gravel road far away. The father says something like, "They've been doing that for the past few months now. That's why we were hoping you, and your little gadget there, would help. You have the technology. We trust you can help us." At that, we pull up to a country house (theirs), and the remote-controlled plane has disappeared from my dream.

Inside the house, I am invited to sit at the dinner table with the family. While eating, the father is still discussing unintelligible aeronautics... and the eldest of the daughters is telling me she has a crush on me... and the mother keeps filling my plate with food before I can even finish... and the two boys start fighting over something... and the other girls can't stop laughing at who-knows-what...

Questions from the dad... mooneyes and caresses from the daughter... more globs of food from the mom... yelling from the boys... and giggles from the girls...


And I woke up. Just as dinner had become chaotic.


Friday, January 17, 2003


I was out in the hallway of some school, talking with friends... when one of them gets called to take a test. Apparently, we're all waiting our turn, and there's some tension in the air. When my friend returns, he looks spent, yet relieved. And I'm called next.

I walk down the hall to a lone schooldesk, and I sit down. From out of nowhere, one of my college professors is suddenly standing next to me. (No, Kim... not my Psych professor ;) LOL ) She hands me a blank piece of paper and I start filling it out. With what, I don't know. When I finish, I hand it back to her, and she walks a bit away from me. She reads over it, then calls me over. I leave my seat, to sit on the floor of the hallway, next to where she has seated herself.

She starts asking me questions about my personal life. And I answer truthfully, but she keeps nodding 'no'. "I'm speaking the truth!", I protest. "It's not what you've written down on the paper", she replies, "Look what you've written about your dad!!!!"

I take the paper back from her, and I look at what I wrote. I don't remember what I read, but it made me cry. "No, this isn't true. This can't be my test. There must be some mistake!"

"Are you ready to tell the truth now?", my professor asks me.

"Yes!", I'm still crying; and I spill my guts about how I feel about my father and my brother. I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was something along the lines of how I love them very much.

The professor seemed satisfied and let me go. So I get back to my group of friends (wiping my tears), and I catch a smile from a good friend... as she walks in my opposite direction, towards the professor... for she is next...

And I don't remember anything more.



I'm not really good at keeping up with this LOL

Once again, I fail at updating my dream-log daily... :(

So I suck; yes, I'm lazy! Or I don't find time for the Blog; it suffers from mild Roob-neglection... Whatever.
I'll still post my dreams... I'll just be postin' 'em whenever I feel like it! LOL ;)



Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Ok, what???? LOL

Last night, I got lost with a friend of mine, on the way to the movie theater... and so...

Dream Of The Day:

... I dreamt that she and I got lost! LOL But in the dream, we weren't going to the movies. We were expected at some concert.

We were in separate cars, but we could communicate with walkie-talkies (LOL). Somehow we got separated (the cars); and she got to the concert first, and had to explain to me how to get there.

When I got there, I went backstage to look for her; still talking on the walkie-talkie, "Ok, where are you now?"

And I found the entrance to the stage: two metal staircases on the sides, and an elevator rig in the middle. "I'm at the stage", she answered, "Come on, hurry up! We're on!". I saw her climbing the staircase to the left... and to my despair, there were music and lights already coming from the front of the stage! The concert had begun! It was a female singer, singing something about "angels"... and I realized that my friend and I were both dressed in white!

I went to where my friend was. "Which way do I come on?", I asked her through the walkie-talkie, even though now we could see each other holding and talking through the walkie-talkies, right in front of each other! "The other stairs, on the other side", she answered through the walkie-talkie. So I went to the right-handed staircase, and began to climb. I was very nervous (and scared! LOL) ...but I climbed.

And I don't remember anything more... :(


Monday, January 13, 2003


I found a web radio station that plays 'World' music... and I fell asleep listening to it, yesterday.

Here's what I dreamt... LOL

Dream Of The Day:

I was at the MTV beach house for Spring Break, on a celebrity interview show... and I was a guest!!! LOL The set was a square-shaped pool, divided by two crossing walls, forming 4 little areas in the pool. In each little area was a different show being taped. The stages grew from the walls, but not all the way to the corners of the pool; so the audience to each show, would wade in the water.

Before the show began, they told me that I was going to be asked questions about my new movie. And I thought to myself, "Shit! What new movie??? Am I acting in the movie? Did I direct the movie? What's the movie about!? What the heck am I even doing here!?!?!?"

Just when I had prepared something made-up to talk about, the show in the pool area next to us starts. It's a music show; there's some punk rock band playing... and I realize that there's really hardly anyone in my area LOL and most spring-breakers are watching the music show next door!

And then Josie and the Pussycats (the actual girls from the movie LOL) show up onto my stage and take over the show and people flock into the pool LOL and a rockin' party starts! LOL

I never did my interview LOL

But my dream ended with some cool Pussycats music ;) LOL



Sunday, January 12, 2003


Dream Of The Day:

I was playing with my dogs (Lily and Coné) out in the yard… when Lily suddenly darts off to the corner where she usually goes to give birth. Now, in real life, her little corner is at the bottom of a slope, surrounded by a wall, and occupied by a big bushtree; somewhere, where I would normally wouldn’t fit. I usually have to see the puppies over the wall. But in my dream, I had no problem sliding down into the corner, to look at her puppies.

But for a second, I thought that maybe Lily hadn’t gone there to have puppies! ‘Cause all I saw was a group of small paper bundles… Mummified puppies! Indeed, soon enough, the puppies began to hatch and break through their mummification… and they were born! At first they looked really mean (like Gremlins), but then I realized they were just wet and yucky, and their spiky hair actually now made them look even cuter! Then, they started to play around my ankles and they officially won their “Cutest Things Ever!” title. ;)

Without any apparent transition, I found myself inside my house, in the living room. And instead of puppies playing, there were 3 little girls runnin’ around. They kept involving me in their game; calling my name and reaching for me while they ran… and I felt this odd sense of responsibility… These little girls belonged to me in some way and they knew it! I felt their love! They oddly resembled my 3 nieces (my brother’s girls), but I’m not sure who they were! LOL My youngest niece isn’t even old enough to run around yet! LOL But whether they were my girls or I was babysitting my brother’s daughters, I still felt comfortable. It felt right, and I was happy to be with them. We played, we hugged, we laughed…

And that’s it. It all went away :( The dream ended…

The Night Before Last:

I was taking a Creative Writing class, with one of my high school Spanish teachers (the same one that threw her shoe at the student in the hallway, in that other dream). And anyway she’s trying to teach us about Brainstorming; telling us how to construct a story out of basic concepts and characters. So she’s got all kinds of mumbo-jumbo on the blackboard; descriptive sentences about events that have nothing to do with each other. And she asks one of the students to pick one. One student picks one, and the teacher asks her if she is alone during the event or does she have a companion (a secondary character). The student says, I was with her. “And WHY is Ruben with you?”, the teacher asked, “Tell us about Ruben, that made him be with you at that specific time and place, for that event”. The student couldn’t say.

“Characters!”, the teacher exclaimed, “It’s the most important thing!” Then, she turns on a slide show, and shows us pictures of the Marvel Comics character, Wolverine (from X-men). “Let’s take Wolverine, for example!”, the teacher continues, “Who the heck is he!?!? Why would Wolverine be in any story, with you, in any event?!? You have to know Wolverine, and who he is, in order to rightfully place him in a story!”

She then told us to, each, pick a superhero and place him/her in a story. As I began to think of a story… I found myself inside it! I was in a farmhouse (Smallville, most probably), and a cartoon version of Supergirl was standing with me in the living room… telling me, I had to be brave, I had to fight. “Fight what!?”

“Look out!”, she warns me, pointing at the window. At the window (standing outside the house), I see the cartoon version of the DC Comics character, Grodd (a gorilla that talks, acts, and thinks like a man… an evil man). Gorilla Grodd yells at me, telling me to give up; that he has injected Kryptonite into my bloodstream and that he would surely kill me. He would bust through the window and strangle me!

Indeed, he held an empty injection. But, HA! Supergirl handed me another needle! I don’t know what it contained. It was anti-kryptonite, I suppose, because Gorilla Grodd got very angry when I injected it into my shoulder.

Suddenly, I’m wearing red and blue, and I have a big yellow “S” on my chest! LOL I became Superman! LOL I flew out of the window and towards a beach that was right outside (I guess I wasn’t in Kansas anymore), and the big evil monkey-guy gave chase. When I flew out to the ocean, I was very close to the water… and no matter how higher I tried flying, I couldn’t get some air. Now, Grodd was swimming right behind me, and he was catching up! If I didn’t get any higher soon, he would catch me! So I yelled out for Supergirl to fly me some more of whatever was in that needle!

There was never a response from Supergirl. When Gorilla Grodd reached out to catch me, my surroundings changed completely, in a flash! And I found myself floating inside a comic book store. And I was still wearing the Superman outfit LOL Slowly, I began to descend. I tried to stay up in the air, flying, but I couldn’t.

“We’re closing now”, the comic book store clerk explained, “We turned the anti-gravity mechanism off, a while ago”.

Then the dream got hazy… and it ended sometime… somehow…



Just in case it’s time again to please da good ol’ rachie rach… Here’s some more poetry ;)

In The Morning

On the newborn morning, early sunrise,
I keep you dear inside of me.
I’m holding onto memory!
Don’t wanna let you leave…
my dream…

Retaining your touch,
grabbing hold of the thought,
that takes me…

To the place! Where you wait for me!
The sense! That we’re wild and free!
That fleeting moment of insanity;

The dream… where you dream of me…

So when the sun is shining, again today,
please remember me.
And hold on to the memory!
Don’t ever wanna lose…
the dream…

Remembering your lips,
and the feel of your skin,
you take me…

To the place! Where you wait for me!
The clouds! Where we want to be!
That wondrous motion of tenacity;

In the morning, hold me and the memory!
Wait for me… Until I dream again…

Wait for me.



Friday, January 10, 2003


I’m meaning to return to my old write-a-dream-daily basis, but I didn’t get the chance to post my dreams yesterday, so today you get more than one. ;)

The Night Before Last:

IN my dream, I woke up inside some sort of log cabin (or some such), atop a bay of hay. I realized immediately that I had companions; an old man and a young woman (complete strangers to me). Before I could ask them where I was (or anything at all!) a pirate-man entered the cabin! He looked like Captain Hook of Peter Pan, but was dressed rag-tag like The Pirate King of The Pirates of Penzance. He wielded a fencing-like sword and swung it at us, yelling at us to get out; to follow him out of the cabin. So we did. He was the captain, and we were his prisoners; so we’d better follow his orders, or we would die! Or so that’s what he said.

We followed the dude up to the deck of the ship, for that’s what it was: a gigantic vessel, sailing through a sea of gloomy blue. Then he made us walk the plank. I was the first one (in the line of 3), and as I was staring down into my destined abyss… the old man and the young woman attacked the pirate! They grabbed hold of him for a while, but he broke free! Although, when he realized the young woman had taken his sword, he fled.

“Come! We must catch him! And throw ‘im overboard!”, the old man gave orders. And as the two strangers gave chase to the pirate, I followed. We searched all over the large ship; I was kinda scared of finding him, actually, because he creeped me out LOL Yet, when we found him, staring aft to the sea from the stern, we realized that the pirate was not the real threat! The ship was being pulled straight into a whirlpool!!! Strangely (as strange as the fact that the boat never really did rock, throughout the dream), the whirlpool pulled us in a straight line, and not in circles… But there we were, heading backwards, into a plummeting death… The old man and the young woman tied up the pirate, and jumped off the side of the boat. While I wonder if there was any difference between that and jumping off the plank, the fact still remains… I did follow suit. I leapt off the boat after them.

The water was surprisingly warm, and calm. I held my head up above water while I watched the giant vessel sink in through the whirlpool. Then the old man swims up beside me and tells me that I had forgotten someone on the boat!

I can’t remember the name he gave me, but it must be someone very dear to me because I swam to the whirlpool without giving it a second thought! I let the whirlpool swallow me… down into the dark depths…

And I woke up.

Last Night:

I’m at this Hollywood movie premiere (like those you see on E! Entertainment Television), and there’s every actor/actress imaginable present! In the ruckus of it all (apparently the movie is good), Kate Hudson approaches me… and asks to use my cell phone!!! Um, of course… I allow her to use it ;) While she’s making a call, everyone present starts to scream and yell in a panic! Everyone starts running inside the movie theater building, and Kate gives me back my cell phone in a hurry and pulls me inside the building with her. I notice that her call was disconnected but that the number is still on the screen… Then I look up to see what all the hullabaloo is about and I see a great big ocean wave headed for us! Very much like in The Abyss (also like in Deep Impact). I get all scared and start ranting, “What da heck are we doing here?!? We gotta be out there… RUNNIN’!!!!!!”

And just as I’m about to lose it, and crawl into a nervous breakdown, Captain Planet appears and stops the wave! LOL “Protecting the Earth!” or something cool like that, he said LOL Now, this wasn’t the cartoon Captain Planet… this was some middle-aged guy wearing the Captain Planet costume and make-up! LOL Then, the wave disappears (‘cause it had been some kind of hologram, apparently promoting a new live-action Captain Planet movie) and everyone starts cheering and clapping. Kate laughs. But I get pissed off LOL

I turn to Kate: “Why are you laughing?! This isn’t funny! Why didn’t you tell me it was fake?!? I thought you were my friend!!! I’m your friend! I’ve always been nice to you!!” At this point on the verge of (shameful) tears LOL: “Look! I even saved the phone number you were calling, so you could try again!!! And meanwhile I’m here about to face my death!! How could you do such a thing to me!!?” LOL

And as I’m ranting, she gets this embarrassed face and starts ramblin’ apologies… and through the unintelligible bickering, the dream turns blurry… until I can’t remember any more…

Some Nights Ago:

I dreamt I was watching Amelie Part 2! LOL I was in the kitchen making some breakfast, and I heard the familiar music (by Yann Tiersen) coming from the guestroom. When I run in, my grandpa is watching the movie on the computer… but it’s not the movie! It’s called “El Hijo De Amelie” (LOL Kim), and it’s got Amelie and Nino in Spain looking for their little boy! :) And of course, it’s in Spanish! ;)

All I remember of it, is Amelie and Nino in a marketplace in Madrid, asking around, searching for their son :) It was coooool! ;) :)


Analyze That => was a hilariously constructed sequel! I liked it a lot! :) The pace of the movie is swifter than the original’s, making the plot not as boring as the first’s. And Robert DeNiro’s character (Paul Vitti) is wittier, warmer, and funnier!! The award-winning actor truly did a fantastic job. He’s a clown in this one! Really! LOL And it’s not like in Analyze This, where he’s just an over-clowned mobster whose hostility can get annoying at times… In this one, you can really love the guy! :) And Billy Crystal (Dr. Ben Sobel) rocks as always, as did the ever-so-clever comedienne Lisa Kudrow (Laura Sobel). Lots of laughs. Lots of fun. Great movie! :)

"You! ...You're good, you!"

Just Married => cracked me up! Surprisingly, it was a lot more fun than I expected (from the previews). Ashton Kutcher (Tom Leezak) was his ordinary wacky self, only funnier to boot; and Brittany Murphy (Mrs. Sarah Leezak) showed us the same mild comedy she showed us in Riding In Cars With Boys, which was good enough. The script is simple (reminiscent of a National Lampoon’s Vacation comedy) filled with “Three Stooges hit-‘em bop-‘em” humor, but the actors’ extravagant performances (Kutcher’s especially) made for lots of hilarious laugh-out-loud moments. Wonderful movie!


No Amelie :(

I am currently Amelie-less :( because SOMEONE has taken complete dictatorship hold over my DVD and forgets to return it! LOL

I miss her very much ;) LOL especially the Fantasies of Audrey Tautou (outtakes) section LOL She is just TOO cute! If she was pie, I'd have a bake-sale! :) :) :)

I did, however, enjoy Vénus beauté (institut) again, on cable the other night ;) :D mwahahahahahaha

-Big Amelie Fan
-Audrey's #1 Fan
-Roob Da Doob


Thursday, January 09, 2003

highlight to read the answer:

The answer is: No, :) Kim :)

In fact, I think I was even successful in solving my problem and saving my life! As events transpired, after I was freed from my cell, I (bit by bit) turned into the ME that sprung me from my cage (green shirt, wet hair, flower, etc.); and sometime during the climb through the tower, I must have gone back in time or something because my Taz black-shirted self was still inside the cage.

What I had done: I had bought myself some time (and temporary freedom) to go get my arresting officer, to tell him of his partner's conspiracy.

What I had to do: Finish what I had already started and knew that must be done. Go spring my black-shirted self from the cage, so he could go do what I had just done!

It would be an endless cycle, that must continue to be done, so that I (the green-shirted self) could get back in the cage, and now with the leather-jacket-cop's attention, spill the beans and name the true criminal; thusly earning my freedom. If ever the cycle breaks... who knows what would have happened to me ;) ;) ;) Where did the first green-shirted-me come from, to start off the cycle to begin with??? Who knows? LOL Maybe it's an infinite cycle backwards as well as it is forwards... ;) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? ;) But honestly... who cares?? LOL ;)

Anyway... Yes! It was a very confusing dream, but I loved it because of the sheer clarity I had of it; not to mention the fact that it actually does make sense! ;) :)


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