
Thursday, February 27, 2003

When I Turned Twenty-One…

I had a very wonderful February 24th 2003, with a very wonderful girl. My friend, from many of my dreams I’ve posted here, shared 12 of the 24 birthday hours with me, and I am very happy to have been in her company for half my day. :) Her name is Mirella, and I’d like to send her all my love and all my thanks, for being the very best. You’re a dream. Lots of hugs for ya. –Rubén

And Kim, thank you very much for publicly (here) wishing me a happy birthday. I enjoyed it very much, and I’m glad I have your friendship, and fond wishes. And of course, this website. Good to have you around :) Much luv. –Rubén

Friends and family do not go amiss, especially my parents and all who were present at my surprise party, and my brother. René couldn’t call me for my birthday, but I just received his card today :) You’re a rockin’ brother! Gracias. Te quiero mucho. –Rubén

21 Years in 21 Words

I’ve discovered,
I have seen too much,
yet I have not done enough.
I feel old.
I am so very young.


Roob Dreams

I had the following dream back when I was still 20, but it is now that I have a chance to post it. So… here is…

The one with the crush-induced pre-teen:

I was alone at my sister-in-law's father's house, sitting on the couch, watching movies from his DVD collection (something I like to do in the waking world)... when a girl enters the room (she must've been about 12 or 13 years old) and sits next to me on the couch. And she starts asking me all these questions, about myself. "What's your name? Where're you from?", and I'm being polite and answering all her questions, but I have no idea who she is! Then, the questions get a bit too personal... "Do you have a girlfriend? Do you like women? Do you have sex?"

At this point, my sister-in-law's niece (who is a teenager herself) appears, and I think I'm saved. She introduces the nosy girl as her friend, and I think she's gonna take her somewhere else (go do girl stuff somewhere and leave me alone) but no... The nosy girl asks my sis-in-law's niece to leave. "We were talking... in private! Let us have a moment."

Unfortunately, the niece leaves. And I am left alone with the hormonal storm that follows... I get up from the couch, and walk, to get rid of the nosy girl... but the nosy girl keeps asking me questions and following me around and touching my arm and making mooneyes... Finally, she places a hand on my chest and says, "You're hot. I like you. I want to be your girlfriend."

I am perplexed (and a little freaked out, frankly). But then she disappears, and my sister-in-law’s father is sitting on the couch, talking to me. He says, “You need to break her heart. You gotta reject her. It must be done.”

“Yes, I know”, I reply. And the girl is back, and the sis-in-law dad is gone.

I explain to the girl, that I’m too old for her, that there can be nothing between us… And she starts to cry. I try to calm her, but she runs off! And I’m not in my sis-in-law’s dad’s house anymore! I’m in some kind of carnival fair-like arena. And I see the girl running into one of the rides.

Now, this ride… I’ve been on, a few times in my dreams. But it has always been working. Lights, motor rails, music…

In this dream, the thing was turned off. It was really dark, and there was no one at the controls. The ride is a two-seater haunted house maze thingy. A railcart sends two people at a time. The theme is mostly green, slimy, creepy creatures.

Anyway, the girl doesn’t get into any cart. She runs on foot (following the rail tracks) into the ride. Now… because the thing is off, I’m afraid to go in it! If it’s not functioning… I have no business riding it! LOL But I sit inside one of the carts anyway… and I will it to move. From out of nowhere, my friend Mirella comes into the dream, and hops into the cart with me. “You have to take me with you”, she says, “You’re not gonna do this without me”.

So the ride starts… and we’re inside the green, slimy, haunted house… And there’s no sign of the little girl… And we see this big dude (this monstrous, ugly, man) come up behind us! And he growls at us, and he stretches his burly arms (threateningly) toward us. Mirella gets a little scared, and I try to comfort her, “He’s not gonna hurt us. He’s just part of the ride.”

But another big dude shows up from the front! And there’s NEVER TWO dudes! Suddenly, the monster dude from behind wraps his big hands around my neck and starts to choke me! This one’s real! I fight it, but he still chokes me!

When I finally break free, Mirella and I jump out of the cart and make a run for it!

Following the tracks, we see that the big dude is chasing us. And I tell Mirella, “We can stop him! This is only a dream. We have the power to stop him! Just will yourself to stop him. Use your powers to create an invisible barricade between us and the monster. It will work!” And I strain my eyes at the monster, using my ‘dream-powers’ to imagine a barricade, to hold him.

It begins to work. I can see him slowing down. “See! It’s working!”, I tell Mirella, “Do it! Help me! Together we can stop him!” And Mirella strains her eyes too, and she uses her powers… And the monster is stopped. “YES!”, we celebrate… and continue to run.

We somehow switch scenery and get to a four-walled temple plaza; with an entrance (a square doorway) at each wall. The floor is stone, and completely empty. In the middle, there is a big draining grid. From the wall in front of us, we see the monster dude coming through the doorway! And when we look to the sides… those doors are occupied by big monster dudes too! And behind us, another monster dude! We’re trapped!

“The drainage!”, I exclaim, and lead us to stand on top of the metal grid, “We can seep through it! We have to use our powers! We can do this!”

Next thing you know, the 4 monsters are almost upon us, but Mirella and I suddenly find ourselves looking UP at them… through the drainage grid above us! We had made it! Now we were in a small room with four stone walls (and a metal grid for a ceiling). One wall had a small steel door. “Through here”, I led, “I have a friend who lives here. We can use his help, to get us out of this mess.”

We go through the door, and we find a miniature living room with miniature furniture. Miniature everything! But no friend of mine. While she ducks away from the ceiling, and looks at the tiny couches and chairs, Mirella asks, “What? Is your friend a dwarf?”

“No. Actually my friend is quite large!”, I reply, “He’s a giant! …He just has this anteroom for show…”

And indeed, when we go to the next room (the bedroom), everything is huge! The bed is as big as a van, and the dressers are as big as a horse stall! … But, still no friend…

At least, we were satisfied that when my giant-friend did show up, he would protect us. But he never showed up…

I woke up while we waited… :D


Sunday, February 09, 2003

Roob Dreams

The one with the face-changing baby and the butterknife-wielding kid:

I was at a water-park/resort (located next to the Nile in Egypt) with my friend. And a baby :-O

Now, I'm not sure if I had this baby with my friend... but that's what it seems to me... Anyway, he was definitely MY kid; he looked just like me! I'd say he was 2 years old, and he was as cute as can be, and having great fun! :) We all were. :)

At one point, my friend had the baby with her, and they were swimming in a pool. Both he and she were wearing innertube flotation devices. And I was sitting on the side of the pool, watching them tug each other along the water. And she's teaching him that the floatie can take you forwards, backwards, and side to side. "It can also go like this", I add jokingly; while with my hands I make the motion. I place my left hand over my right hand (as if making a sandwich), then I flip 'em over, right over left. The child laughs, but my friend says, "Don't believe him. He's just trying to be funny."

"No. Go ahead. Try it!", I challenge her; with a big grin on my face.

"Ok!", she agrees, and hands the baby over to me.

Then... she flips herself upside-down in her innertube, and she's underwater with her legs up in the air LOL The baby laughs, as he mimics the flipping motion of my hands with his own :)

But then I see that my friend is having trouble flipping herself back, to the upright position. There's another child swimming around her, and his flotation device is getting in her way! So I stand up, and stretch a leg over the water, to kick her innertube away from the kid's innertube… but right then, she flips back over! And the first thing she sees is my foot on her innertube.

“Why did you do that!?!??”, she was upset, “I could’ve drowned! Don’t do that!”

I tried to explain that I hadn’t held her down with my foot; that I was in fact trying to help her… but she wouldn’t have it. She stormed out of the pool, took the baby back in her arms, and went to the sand (on the shore of the Nile) to lay down.

I followed. The baby was resting beside her, as she had her arm around him. When I sat next to them, she was giving me the silent treatment. As I was about to speak… something horrible happened! The baby’s face changed! Into the face of a guy who’s a friend of mine!!! I couldn’t handle that! LOL My baby boy, looking like one of my friends! LOL

So I lashed out… “What the hell is going on?! What is this?! Whose baby is this?!”

“What is wrong with you??!?? You’re making him cry!”, my friend protested, taking the baby tighter into her arms.

At this point, I’m feeling pretty bad, and pretty upset; so I guess that’s why the dream changed…

In the distance, across the Nile, I saw a huge storm cloud! It looked like an F-5 tornado from that movie “Twister”, but much bigger!!

Suddenly, I guess all is forgiven, because my friend cuddles with me, and I put my arm around her and the baby. “What’s going on, Ruben?”, she asks me, scared. “Don’t worry. It’s not real… It’s just a dream”, I try to soothe her. Yet I’m scared too. “We can control our dreams. We can make it go away”, I said. And I turn us around, putting our backs to the storm. “When we turn around, it won’t be there anymore… and Egypt will be normal again”, I hoped out loud.

We turned again… and were faced with the storm still! It was destroying the distant sandstone homes and pyramids, stalking closer to us… “Again!”, I ordered, and we turned around again. “We can beat this!!!”, I shouted, “Dammit! We can beat this!!!”

And we turned again… and the storm was gone… But I was alone. My friend and the baby were gone, and I was not in Egypt anymore! I was in New York City; and the River Nile had turned into the Hudson River! And the worst part… I was in a more horrible spot than before! :( The city was in ruins, the sky was filled with smoke, pieces of The Statue of Liberty were floating in the river… and I could still see the lights and sounds of firepower… :(

I heard shouts behind me, and I turned around to see a battalion of gray-uniformed soldiers (kinda looking like the German uniforms from WWII). The soldiers were called Gyps in the dream (for a reason unknown to me LOL ‘cause they didn’t look like gypsies at all! LOL). I also saw that I was standing in a mall parking lot, and that there was a panic riot going on!

“Ruben!”, someone calls me from afar. And I see a different friend of mine (my tennis partner, in the waking world) running towards me. She’s waving her hand at me, and trying to tell me something, and she’s pointing towards the mall. I see that the Gyps battalion had their guns out and were marching towards me! I look at my friend again, and I see she’s holding a talk-radio in her hand. It is then that I realize… I have one too! In my hand! “Hello?!”, I talk into it.

“Ruben! Run to the mall!”, my friend answers through the talk-radio. So I dash towards the mall. While I run, I ask her (through the radio) where my friend (the one with the baby) is, “Where is she!?!”

“Go through the mall! To the other side! The Gyps won’t get you there!”

“Will I find her there???”


I reach the mall, and there’s people running everywhere! I’m bumping into things and people, while I follow the directions of my friend talking to me through the radio, and dodging Gyps and flying bullets!

Finally, I reach the end of the mall, and come out onto another parking lot. This one is completely desolate and silent. Eerie. And my radio is dead.

Someone comes out of the mall from behind me! It’s a teenage kid, and he’s on me quicker than a cheetah! I feel the point of his knife at my neck, as he says, “You’re going to die”. He was wearing a Gyps uniform.

“No… I’m not!”, I smack his hand away from me, and jump back! I realize that his other hand had been holding another knife at my belly! But the fear leaves me when I realize that both knives had been… butterknives! “You can’t kill me with butterknives!”, I told him. “Yeah-huh!”, he protested. “Nah-huh!”, I snapped back.

“Move, and you die!”, he threatened me, getting into fight position. “Whatever…”, I turned from him, and walked away.

Ahead of me, a flight of stairs led (up) out of the parking lot. I ran to it. “Careful!”, my tennis-partner friend popped up from out of nowhere, “There’re still some Gyps around.” She was no longer holding a talk-radio.

Together, we crouched, and climbed the stairs… scrambling up, on our bellies!

“Will I find her, up these stairs? My friend. I lost her in Egypt, and I’m worried about her. There was a storm, and now this war! I need to know that she’s okay…”

“SHH! Don’t be so loud! The Gyps may hear!”

“Please! Tell me!”

“I don’t know…”

When we reached the top, I saw an apartment complex. And going into one of the doors… was a young couple, dressed as hippies!!! Yes, your very stereotypical, tye-dye, peace-sign, flowers, hippy!!! “Civilians!”, I exclaimed, “They’re not Gyps! There’s a party going on inside that apartment. My friend may be there!!!”

“NO!”, I hear my tennis-partner friend yell from behind me as I dart towards the door. I look back to see her still at the stairs… and behind her, an armed Gyps is climbing towards her!

“There’s a Gyps! Come on! Move! It’ll be safe in here!”, I run to the door, but it is locked! I quickly find an open window, and as I start to climb through, I hear my tennis-partner friend yelling, “No! There’s Gyps in there too! Don’t go in, Ruben!!!”

And I see the inside of the apartment burst into flame, and I’m thrown out with the explosion!

And the dream turns instantly. I see myself inside an empty room. A cell. I’m bandaged around the torso and head. And a Gyps walks into the room. We face each other.

“WHERE IS SHE!!???? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!!??? WHERE IS SHE!!!???”, I am very upset! And I wake up with a jolt.



Thursday, February 06, 2003

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Blog

After I posted that weird Sarah dream (LOL), I went and did some investigative research (why do people say that? is there any other kind? *shrug*). And guess what I found out!!!!

Neither Sarah Jessica Parker's nor my birthday is on September 23rd........ BUT ... Kristin Davis (who plays Charlotte in the series) was born on ... *drumroll*

February 24th!!!!!!!!!

That is SO weird! :)

...Waitiminnit... This means I hugged the wrong cast member, in my dream! ;)



Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Roob Dreams

A long time ago, in a Word document far, far away... I wrote down a dream of mine and saved it on my drive at uni. Now (finally!), I get a chance to transport the dream into the Blog... as a post...

With luck, too! Because I can't remember what I dreamt last night. *grin*

So here it is:

The one with Sarah Jessica Parker:

I stumbled into an old episode of Sex and the City. Have you seen the episode in which Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) has her publishing party?? Well, I did. And I stumbled into that episode.

Except, it was a bit different LOL

I went into the place of the party looking for Carrie, but she wasn’t there. Nobody was there! Just some dude in a tux cleaning up… as if the party had been over!

I pleaded with him, “NO! I must see her! You must take me to her! Tell me where she is!”

And he replied, “Why? What’s so important? Are you her boyfriend or something!?”

And I’m like, “NO! No, no, no, I’m … Um, none of your business!!!”

But now I’m wondering… Why AM I looking for her? And why am I so desperate to see her?? I’m close to tears! Why?

The dude lets me know where to find her, and I’m suddenly in her company. BUT it’s not like I went somewhere else! I’m at the same spot, except now there’s a party! Her publishing party is going on, and she’s there! All 4 main characters are there!

So I run to Sarah Jessica Parker and I give her a big hug, “I’m so glad I found you!”

“Ohmigod! Ruben! Where have you been!?”, she hugged me back.

And we started crying LOL ‘cause we were so excited to see each other. Now, I’m thinking that in real life, she might be shorter than me… but in the dream, she was taller than me (for a reason), and when she hugged me, half my face ended up buried between her breasts… so here I am, crying like an idiot, with my cries muffled by her dress! LOL

“I had to come see you”, I told her, between tears, “You know, ‘cause you know what today is!”

“Yes, I know what today is!”

“SEPTEMBER 23rd!”, we both exclaim at the same time.

And we squeeze each other in a hug again.

“So??? What’s so special about Sept. 23rd???”, one of her friends asks (I think Kim Cattrall).

“Oh nothing”, Carrie says, “I can explain later”

“You mean, they don’t know…?”, I asked her.

“No. They’re here for my publishing party”, she explained.

“So you don’t normally celebrate it with them?”


“Do you celebrate it at all???”

“I do… In my heart I do…”

“Well, I celebrate it all the time!”, I cried out loud, "And I don’t care if the world knows! This is why I’ve traveled from so far to see you! I love you, and I wanna celebrate our birthdays together!!!”

“You 2 have the same birthday????”, Kristin Davis asked.

“Oh, he loves you!”, Kim Cattrall was on the verge of tears (even behind her veil LOL), “I wish I had a little brother that loved me like that!!!”

“Even if I’m crying and slobbering all over her bosom!!?!”, I cried some more.

The women laughed… and I don’t remember anything else from the dream…


Saturday, February 01, 2003

Roob Dreams

The one with the tear-inducing movie:

I was watching a movie that Kim had recommended to me. I was in my room, on my top-bunk bed, watching it on TV. But then the perspective changed, and I was suddenly IN the movie; just a guy standing there, silently, watching everything unfold right in front of me.

A man and a woman (the faces of the actors were not clear) hadn’t seen each other for a very long time (years). But it seemed that in the past they had been romantically involved, because when the girl visited the guy, they had this sort of friction… like they didn’t know how to act around each other. And so they were a bit distant, and quiet all the time.

At last, they decided to go out, and do something fun. The two of them went to some sort city activity on a pier, where they watched children play, and ate cotton candy. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. Even when it started raining, they didn’t let that dampen their day. They ran and played in the rain; laughing and holding each other.

During that time, they walked into a dark alley; with a woman stumbling around in the distance. Gradually, as the pair walks further into the alley, the stumbling woman comes nearer to them. When she’s close enough, it became apparent she was drugged somehow. And accidentally, she stumbles onto the leading lady of the movie. When they bump into each other, the alley woman’s drug needle (that may have been in her hand all along) is thrust into the leading lady’s leg. And instantly, the leading lady falls to the floor, into her leading man’s arms.

The drug woman disappears, because the movie goes into a close-up of the man holding the woman in his arms, and then it becomes clear that the actor is Brad Pitt. The actress remains unknown. She begins to sweat and shiver; and while she’s dying, Brad Pitt kisses her all over her face and they confess their love to each other and cry.

Meanwhile I’m back in my room, back in my bed, no longer inside the movie… crying as well. And thinking, this is why Kim recommended it to me; she must have cried at this part, too.

The girl tells Brad Pitt that she’s 1 month pregnant… and dies. Brad Pitt (who, in this movie, looks the same as he did in Legends of the Fall) does the usual ‘throw-the-head-back-and-yell-towards-the-sky’ bit, while the camera shot climbs upwards away from him at a high angle, and the scene changes to inside an office building.

The actor narrates some sort of strategy to deal with that sort of situation. Something about, “infiltrating the belly of the beast, the origin of things, getting to the bottom of it and set things right”… And he’s wearing a suit and working in that big-time busy office. Except now it’s not Brad Pitt. It’s Lou Diamond Phillips. Anyway, he’s trying to get close to his boss (some blonde guy) because he was the leading lady’s love interest (and thusly, the unborn child’s father).

Why he was trying to befriend him, in secret, without revealing his identity? I have no idea.

I didn’t get to watch the entire movie LOL …’cause I woke up. :)


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