
Friday, July 18, 2003

Bun-Her ;)

The one where I think I’m Charlton Heston:

I’m having a talk with the lead singer of System Of A Down, when he decides to check out one of my nipples (my right). And he mentions that a nipple ring would look good on me! LOL Even after I say “No”, he comes up with a nipple ring and puts it against my nipple, to test how it looks. I don’t trust him, thinking he’s gonna jam a needle through my nipple, so I back away. So then he feels hurt ‘cause I don’t trust him, so I allow him to test the nipple ring on me, after he had promised not to stab me with it LOL

Of course, as luck (in dreams LOL) would have it, I shouldn’t have trusted him. He jams the ring into my nipple! I start arguing with him violently, for having done what I had asked him not to do, and he gets furious and throws me into a dungeon. LOL

This dungeon is really a pit full of muck-filth, with many dirty people dressed in rags. Between the group of prisoners crawling in the mud and straw, I find my girlfriend. She joins my side, wearing a sexy little outfit straight out of Planet of the Apes . So, fur rags; butt very visible (AND she was muddy)… so, very nice indeed. ;)

Anyway, when I find her, she begs me to take her out of there. So I summon the one in charge of the prisoners (well, he simply appears LOL). And it’s the System Of A Down dude dressed up as the pharaoh from The Ten Commandments . And I say, “Let my people go!”. And he says, “THERE are your people!”, and we’re suddenly beside a creek, and he points up the creek. And I see lots of sickly people laying along the shores.

I suddenly find myself dressed in wool robes; and with Mirella by my side, I walk along the edge of the creek… handing out bread and water, and blessing the people.

During that process… I woke up.



Dreamt Some Nights Ago…

The one with the deodorant gel:

My girlfriend walks into my room and wakes me up. She tells me, excitedly, “There’s a party! Come on, get up!”. So I get up and she leads me to the front of the house, where I cease to recognize where I live! LOL The street out front is different, and full of people partying! :) Even the house in front is jumpin’! LOL

Anyway, just as I start to mingle, some guy grabs my arm and pulls me back into the house. This guy is big, strong, short-cropped black hair, dark eyes. I don’t recognize him, but he says his name is “Cunwyn” (I think). He drags me back into my bedroom (but it’s a bedroom I don’t recognize anymore) and throws me on the bed. Then he’s suddenly behind me, and I’m in a wrestling lock. He tells me in my ear, from behind, “You’re a homosexual. And so you don’t deserve Mirella.”

“But I’m not a homosexual. I love Mirella!”, I reply. And then the dude tells me he’s got a little test to find that out. A skinny dude that was with him (his minion, I guess…) crawls onto the bed with me, holding two bars of deodorant. “He’s gonna eat deodorant off your leg”, the Cunwyn guy explains to me, “And however long you last, tells us if you’re a homosexual or not.”

The skinny dude squirts a mound of deodorant gel on top of my jeans (on my right thigh), and I beg him not to eat it. With his mouth close to it, he looks up at me… and then backs off. Next, he squirts some more deodorant gel for my left leg, but he misses and the gel lands on the bed. “Crap! That’s gonna stain the bedsheet!”, I pout. But then quickly I catch myself, and so I add, “And my girlfriend’s not gonna be happy about it!”

That seems to satisfy the skinny dude, because he leaves. “So how long did you time me?”, I ask the Cunwyn guy, “What does my time mean? I’m not a homosexual, so whatever you timed me, must mean that!”. The guy is satisfied as well, because he lets me go.

I run out of the room and back to the front of the house, desperately looking for “Mirella! Mirella!”. I’m lost, because the house has changed. I’m now on the balcony of a second story. “Mirella! Mirella!” When I spot her, she’s riding a wooden tricycle, leading three wooden wagons full of chattering kids behind her. :)

I ask her to run away with me because the party’s freaking me out, but… “How am I gonna get up there?”, she asks me from the front lawn. “Just jump”, I tell her, “It’s a dream! We can do whatever we want!”. So she gradually jumps from the lawn to a fence, and to the balcony. From there, we jump to the roof. Holding hands, we see a bright lit city before us (in the night). Far away, we can make out zooming car lights. The highway. “We can make it”, I tell her. And we jump together, holding hands. But we land in the backyard LOL

The party still goes on even through to the backyard. There is music and kiosks selling foods and drinks. A lady from one of the kiosks asks us if we want anything, but Mirella kisses me, and we start making out. Some lady walks up to us and asks if we’re in line for the kiosk, but we’re still kissing and groping each other. LOL

We remember we’re trying to run away! LOL And so we start jumping again, across long distances this time. We reach the highway, jump across it, and find another highway. We jump across it, and find another highway…Jump; and another highway… and another… and another…

Jumping highways with my girlfriend, I woke up.


Sunday, July 06, 2003


What people on the internet are getting weird?? LOL Anyway, isn't the internet... weird?! ;) Hard to believe it has become a way of life. To me, it's always been a weird sort of thing :) LOL ;)

Letting people in is tough, Kim. Myself, I let people in easily but warily. And sometimes, when I find someone I can love (and share everything with), the truth about myself scares me. I become afraid to let those people see the true me... maybe because I'm not even happy with myself to begin with (or satisfied, or certain, or secure). But here's what I do: I trust the love that they offer, and do my best to allow myself to be loved, even with the faults and flaws I see within me. I'm no pro, but I try.

I try to love and be loved. I try to keep my negativity away and let happiness reign.

I am thankful I have good friends around me. I do feel loved. I shall be more open. I shall be more free. I shall show my true colors more; even those dodgy shades of grey that haunt me. And maybe... I can learn to love myself more, when I see how everybody else loves me.


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